The ultimate self-care guide for working parents

In the fast-paced world, the demands of career and family can often leave working parents feeling stretched thin. Juggling professional responsibilities with the challenges of parenthood requires prioritizing self-care. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of self-care, delve into its seven distinct types, and discuss how to incorporate it into our busy lives.


Self-care is the intentional act of preserving and improving one’s well-being. It involves activities that promote physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social, professional, and financial health. For high-achieving working parents, investing time and energy in self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity, as we can’t pour from an empty cup.

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Types of Self-Care

The term “self-care” can encompass a range of meanings. Thus, it’s helpful to consider the different types of self-care as diverse facets with their distinct benefits. Monitoring your emotional state during and after self-care activities allows you to recognize their impact. You may find that certain activities contribute more to your well-being, whereas others less. It often depends on your mood on a given day.

So, here are the seven main types of self-care to think about:

Physical Self-Care

Involves maintaining and enhancing your body’s health. Examples include:

– Various physical activities like hiking, jogging, dancing, yoga, pilates, etc.

– Balanced nutrition

– Adequate sleep

– Regular medical check-ups.

Emotional Self-Care

Centers around recognizing and managing one’s emotions. This can include:

– Practicing self-compassion

– Meditation

– (Gratitude) journaling

– Psychological counseling

– Psychotherapy

– Coaching, etc.

Mental Self-Care

Focuses on stimulating and challenging the mind through intellectual activities. It encompasses:


– Solving puzzles and crosswords

– Learning new skills like a foreign language or playing a musical instrument

– Activities that keep your mind sharp, such as doing regular things in a different way (e.g., taking a new route to work).

Spiritual Self-Care

Involves practices that nurture a sense of purpose, connection to something greater, and inner peace:

– Prayer

– Meditation

– Being in nature

– Self-reflection

– Digital detox

Social Self-Care

Emphasizes fostering positive relationships and connections, for example:

– Building and maintaining positive relationships with other people

– Spending quality time with family and friends

– Participating in social events.

Yet, relationships have the potential to be a cause of stress and discontentment. Navigating social self-care is intricate. What proves effective for one person may be entirely inappropriate for another. So please, be attentive to your desires and don’t force social connections if it doesn’t do you any good.

Professional Self-Care

Professional self-care involves activities that help fulfill one’s career aspirations, handle the pressure of work, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. It includes:

– Developing your professional skills through attending workshops and training or pursuing further education

– Delegating tasks

– Acquiring time-management skills

– Setting boundaries

– Ensuring workplace ergonomics, etc.

Financial Self-Care

Financial self-care goes beyond simply managing money. It encompasses strategies to create financial stability, reduce stress related to finances, and work towards long-term financial goals. These activities can be:

– Budget planning

– Saving

– Investing

– Insurance coverage planning

– Retirement planning

– Mindful spending

– Seeking financial and tax counseling.

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The Importance of Prioritizing Self-Care for Working Parents

Being a working parent is challenging. It is physically hard, emotionally draining, and mentally exhausting. We have so many things going on that demand our attention, time, and energy investment. But how can we invest if we lack resources? This is where self-care comes into play. Putting yourself first and engaging in self-care activities is what will help you fill up your cup and become a sane, functioning, and happy individual.

So, what are the benefits of self-care practices?

Enhanced Productivity

Investing in self-care improves overall well-being. This leads to increased focus and productivity in both professional and personal spheres.

Better Physical Health

Regular self-care practices contribute to improved physical health. They also provide the stamina needed to meet the demands of a busy lifestyle.

Stress Resilience (oh boy, we all need it!)

Managing emotional health through self-care equips parents with stress resilience. It is important for navigating the inevitable challenges of parenthood and a career.

Tips for Incorporating Self-Care into Everyday Life

Taking time for self-care can seem impossible for working parents. We already juggle a lot – how can we free up some space for extra activities? I must admit: I have this negative self-talk all the time. Yet, after years of struggling, researching the topic, and trying different approaches, I came up with some simple strategies. They work perfectly for me, so I believe they can also work for you if you give them a try. Let’s dive right in!

Start Small

Don’t overwhelm yourself by setting unrealistic goals, like working out for two hours every day or going to a SPA each Sunday. Chances are it won’t work because it requires a substantial amount of your time and energy. And you might not have them. So, start by dedicating just two or five minutes a day for self-care. Choose a type of self-care we discussed above that you feel drawn to and begin with it.

Schedule Self-Care Time

Use your digital or paper calendar to allocate time in your schedule for self-care activities. Treat them with the same importance as work meetings or pediatrician appointments.

Delegate Tasks and Seek Support

Yes, I know you’ve heard this one before! Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks and seek support from family, friends, babysitters, or au-pairs. You know it will give you freedom, so please, don’t look for excuses and do it!

Set Boundaries

Learn to say no. Practice it with your boss, your colleagues, your friends, your neighbors, and with your children. Stop being a people pleaser and start prioritizing yourself! Most importantly, establish clear boundaries between work and personal life.

Adapt and Adjust

Life without children is unpredictable. Life with children is chaotic. Thus, be prepared to adapt and adjust your scheduled “me” time with ease and peace. Don’t blame yourself if something you planned doesn’t work. Accept it without feeling frustrated or upset. This happens a lot, and we can’t predict everything. So, relax, let go, and reschedule.

Celebrate Achievements

This is a huge one. Adopt a habit of acknowledging and celebrating your achievements, no matter how small. You managed to meditate for five minutes before work? Great! You did a two-minute stretch in bed? Amazing! You called a tax adviser? Congratulations! Small things can have a huge impact on your well-being. Take time to recognize your small wins and even write them down if you wish. If you reread them one day, you may notice how these small pieces contributed to bringing a big change to your life.

Practice Yoga

What advice can you expect from a yoga teacher? 🙂 Yoga is what helped me go through the most difficult periods of my life and made me strong along the way. Yoga emphasizes mind-body connection, thus, it addresses physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being simultaneously. This makes it an ideal tool for maintaining balance in the hectic lives of working parents.

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How to Use Yoga as a Self-Care Tool

Create a Consistent Routine

Establish a regular yoga routine, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Consistency is key to experiencing the long-term benefits of the practice.

Combine Physical Postures and Breathwork (Pranayama)

The synergy of physical postures and breathwork is a powerful aspect of yoga. Focus on synchronizing your breath with movements to enhance the mind-body connection.

Explore Different Styles

Yoga comes in various styles, such as Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, or Restorative. Explore these styles to find what resonates best with your needs and preferences.

Incorporate Mindfulness and Meditation

Meditation and mindfulness practices help cultivate a state of awareness, reduce mental clutter, and promote a calm and focused mind.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to your body and its signals. Yoga is about self-discovery, so honor your limitations and gradually progress at a pace that feels comfortable for you.

Seek Guidance if Needed

Yoga is a multi-faceted practice, and it can be intimidating to navigate it by yourself. Thus, I encourage you to consider working with a certified yoga teacher. You can choose to attend group classes in a studio or online, watch on-demand videos, or even work with an instructor 1:1. It’s a particularly good choice for busy people who struggle to fit group classes into their calendar. If you want the practice to be adapted to your personal needs and schedule, you can take a look at what my personal yoga classes look like.


In conclusion, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity for working parents. By incorporating various types of self-care into daily life, you can achieve a better work-life balance. Prioritizing self-care is an investment in sustained career success, health, and a fulfilling family life.

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Are you interested in yoga, fitness, and personal development? So am I! Are you trying to juggle parenthood and work? Me too! In my blog, I write about all these topics (and more!) as I want to help working parents find energy, strength, and balance in life.

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