How Yoga Can Help Working Parents Boost Energy

In the hustle of balancing a career with parenting, many of us struggle to maintain our energy levels. The constant juggling act of meetings, deadlines, school runs, and family responsibilities can leave us feeling drained and depleted. However, there is a powerful tool that can help us recharge and rejuvenate: yoga. In this blog post, we’ll explore some yogic practices designed to boost your energy levels and enhance your well-being.

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Understanding Energy Management

As ambitious working parents, we understand the importance of managing our energy levels. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we finally collapse into bed at night, our energy is being taxed by the demands of our busy lives. Yet, we can learn to better regulate our energy and optimize our performance, both at work and at home. Let’s find out how yoga can help.

The Benefits of Yoga for Energy Boosting

Yoga offers a multitude of benefits for busy parents looking to replenish energy. It helps increase physical stamina and promote emotional resilience. With practice, we can cultivate a deeper connection between mind, body, and spirit. This can be beneficial for navigating parenthood and career with patience, mental clarity, and inner peace.

Short and sweaty yoga routines

In the whirlwind of our busy life, finding time for yoga can feel like an impossible task. Yet, there’s a powerful secret: short and sweaty yoga routines. These routines are not about quantity, but quality. They are designed to pack a punch and deliver maximum impact in minimal time. So, don’t be fooled by their brevity –  mini yoga sessions can be anything but easy. In just a few short minutes, you can work up a sweat and leave your mat feeling empowered and alive. 

And the best part? You can easily fit them into even the busiest of schedules. No need to block off hours of your day or wait for the perfect moment. You can practice anytime and almost anywhere. All you need is just a little bit of space and a willingness to show up for yourself. (Option: Freebie. Short and sweaty yoga routine)

So next time, instead of reaching for another cup of coffee or scrolling through your phone, take a few minutes to practice a short and sweaty yoga routine. You’ll be amazed at the difference it can make in your energy levels, mood, and well-being. Remember, it’s not about how much time you have – it’s about how you choose to use it.

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Kapalabhati & Bhastrika Pranayama

Pranayama is a practice of breath control in yoga. Among various pranayama techniques, Kapalabhati and Bhastrika stand out for their energizing effects on the body and mind.

Kapalabhati Pranayama

Kapalabhati is often referred to as the Skull Shining Breath. It’s a dynamic breathing technique that involves forceful exhalations followed by passive inhalations. The rapid expulsion of air (i.e. carbon dioxide) from the lungs during Kapalabhati promotes detoxification. Additionally, Kapalabhati increases oxygen supply to the brain and saturates blood with oxygen. This boosts alertness and concentration.  It also activates the sympathetic nervous system, which creates heat and energizes the body.

How to Perform Kapalabhati Pranayama:

  • Sit comfortably in a cross-legged position or on a chair with your spine erect and shoulders relaxed.
  • Place your hands on your knees or in your lap.
  • Take a deep inhalation through both nostrils, filling your lungs completely. Keep your mouth closed throughout the exercise.
  • Exhale forcefully and rapidly through the nose by contracting your abdominal muscles. The exhalation should be short and sharp.
  • Allow the inhalation to happen passively and naturally, without any effort.
  • Repeat this cycle for about 20-30 breaths, gradually increasing the duration as you progress in your practice.
  • After that, take a few breaths to return to a normal breathing pattern. Observe the sensations in your body and mind.

Bhastrika Pranayama

Bhastrika, also known as the Bellows Breath, is a powerful breathing technique. It is even more stimulating than Kapalabhati as it involves rapid and forceful inhalations AND exhalations. Bhastrika stimulates the entire respiratory system, promotes oxygenation and energizes the body.

How to Perform Bhastrika Pranayama:

  • Sit comfortably with your spine erect and shoulders relaxed, either in a cross-legged position or on a chair.
  • Place your hands on your knees or in your lap.
  • Take a deep inhalation through both nostrils, expanding your chest and filling your lungs completely.
  •  Exhale forcefully and rapidly through the nose. Keep your mouth closed. Push the air out with a quick and sharp movement of the abdominal wall.
  • Follow the exhalation with a vigorous inhalation through your nose. Draw the breath in with equal force.
  • Continue this rapid and rhythmic breathing pattern.
  • Aim for about 20-30 breath cycles, maintaining a steady pace and intensity throughout.
  • After that, take a few moments to observe the effects of the practice. Notice any sensations or changes in your energy levels.

Both Kapalabhati and Bhastrika Pranayama are potent techniques for revitalizing the body. However, it’s essential to practice them under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor, especially if you’re new to pranayama. Start gradually and listen to your body. Allow yourself to build strength and proficiency over time.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, developed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati in 1976, aims to provide accessible meditation for all. It’s a simple guided meditation which requires no prior knowledge. At its core lies the concept of Sankalpa, a personal intention geared towards positive life impact. Sankalpa is a simple, uplifting statement, e.g.: “I am calm and relaxed”. This statement is reiterated at the beginning and at the end of the meditation. The practice also involves a systematic series of body awareness and breathing exercises. Research suggests that these exercises activate the parasympathetic nervous system and enhance alpha-wave activity in the brain. In essence, Yoga Nidra can help with deep relaxation, reduce hyperarousal, and enhance sleep quality. In its turn, it can lead to increased energy replenishment and life satisfaction. Some literature even suggests that an hour of Yoga Nidra can replace four hours of sleep. Unfortunately, this claim lacks scientific backing. In spite of this fact, Yoga Nidra’s positive effects on overall wellbeing make it a great revitalizing tool for stressful days.

In yoga nidra we experience a state of harmony between body, brain, and mind. Then the unconscious barriers and blockages within the personality, which exist due to our negativity, are removed and the healing power of the mind begins to manifest.

Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati


Ambitious working parents like you and me often find themselves caught up in the hustle of everyday life. As a result, they lose sight of their own well-being and often feel exhausted. But we can break this vicious cycle by incorporating some simple yogic practices into our daily routine. Short and sweaty yoga flows, Kapalabhati and Bhastrika pranayama, and Yoga Nidra are my favorite go-to tools for recharging energy. So, why not roll out your mat and take the first step towards a happier, healthier, and more energized you?

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Are you interested in yoga, fitness, and personal development? So am I! Are you trying to juggle parenthood and work? Me too! In my blog, I write about all these topics (and more!) as I want to help working parents find energy, strength, and balance in life.

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